These are previous screenings of I AM BREATHING. For upcoming events, go here.
Edinburgh, Scotland
Pleased to be taking part in the Global Screening with a bunch of close friends in our flat in Edinburgh
Aberdeen, Scotland
Please come along to our showing of this award-winning film.
The film is the hard-hitting story of Neil Platt - a 33 year old British architect who developed motor neurone disease shortly after the birth of his son. Paralysed from the neck down with only months to live, he tells his story to help raise awareness of this devastating disease and dedicates the film to his one year old son, Oscar. Collaborating with filmmakers Emma Davie and Bafta Award winning Morag McKinnon, he used his remaining months to communicate about his illness. He also wrote a blog, 'The Plattitude', and committed himself to playing a part in making MND history by inspiring a community of people to join the fight.
(There is no charge, though donations will be welcome on the night)
To see the trailer please follow this link:
Stamford, England
Elblag, Poland
Centrum Sztuki Galeria EL zaprasza na premierowy pokaz filmu dokumentalnego „I AM BREATHING”, który odbędzie się 21 czerwca o godz. 21 w Krużganku Galerii EL. Wstęp wolny. Pokaz jest częścią światowej kampanii dotyczącej stwardnienia zanikowego bocznego (MND/ALS), a Elbląg jest jedynym polskim miastem, które dołączyło do akcji.
York, England
Although this event is free, tickets are limited to 25 people - first-come-first-served.
Bristol, England
North London, England
Open to All.
A panel of experts and specialists will be at the screening for a discussion on issues raised by the film.
Free Entrance with donations welcome. All funds raised will go directly to support Motor Neurone Disease awareness and research.
Nearest Tube is Golders Green. Free parking in church car park and surrounding streets.
Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England
Novi Sad, Serbia
Danas u Velikoj sali Kulturnog centra Novog Sada, u 21 sat, “Global Screanning day”, projekcija filma “I AM BREATHING”, koji će u isto vreme biti emitovan i u bioskopima drugih delova sveta (Škotska, Meksiko, Rusija, Rumunija, Kenija, Indija, Irska, Belgija, Amerika…)
“I AM BREATHING” je film o tankoj liniji između života i smrti.
Nil Plat promišlja poslednje dane svog života.
Za samo godinu dana, zdravo telo mladog oca postalo je potpuno paralizovano od vrata na dole. Kako je telo bivalo sve slabije, tako mu se menjao pogled na život:
“Neverovatno je koliko smo prilagodljivi kad to moramo da budemo. To je ono što nas čini posebnima i definiše nas kao ljudska bića. “
Znajući da mu je ostalo samo nekoliko meseci života, dok je još imao sposobnost govora, Nil je sastavio pismo i kutiju sa uspomenama za svog malog sina Oskara. Pitao se kako da da smisao proteklim godinama svog života? Kako da predvidi šta bi Oskar, kada poraste, želeo da zna o svom ocu?
Odlučio je da pokuša da ispriča priču o svom životu uspomoć uspomena i impresija o ljubavi, prijateljima i o vožnji motocikla.
Nil se suočava sa MND bolešću duhovito i iskreno, rešen da podeli poslednju fazu svog života preko bloga, koji je potresao njegove brojne korisnike. Tekstovi koje je Nil postavljao na blog i koji čine naraciju filma “I AM BREATHING”, postavljaju pitanje: “Šta je to što nas čini ljudima?”
In a pizza bus in South East London
Come and watch I AM BREATHING at one of London's most unique locations. We serve the best pizza and pasta in London from an original red London double-decker bus.
For full info visit
Please note our cinema is not currently accessible for wheelchair users, but we are working on it.