These are previous screenings of I AM BREATHING. For upcoming events, go here.
Timisoara, Rumania
Nairobi, Kenya
DOCUBOX will be hosting this free screening at Shalom House, just a kilometer from Junction Mall. it's a minute's walk from Ngong Road. After you pass The Tankard but just before you get to the Jamuhuri Park turn-off, youll see St Daniel Komboni on the right. It will take you a minutes walk to get to the Shalom House gate on the right. Ask the guard to point you to the main hall for the screening, which we hope to begin at seven sharp after a welcome drink. CASH BAR. Voluntary contributions will go to a young man suffering from MND who we hope can come say hello after the screening.
Istanbul, Turkey
Dubai, UAE
I AM BREATHING is a profound reminder of the transience of life. As a new father, I was shattered by Neil Platt's grace as he labored to leave traces of his life to his little son. What soul and what humour by a man at his final hour! This is a story of triumph and a rare look at the human side of the fight against Motor Neurone Disease. Sharing it with neighbors and friends in Dubai is the least I can do.
Moscow, Russia (3rd screening)
This charity event is organized together with MND/ALS Foundation on Global Awareness Day.
During this day we will have 4 screenings of the film and we give all the money from ticket sales to the foundation.
Lerwick, Shetland
Mareel is the UK's most northerly music, cinema and creative industries centre.
Kyiv, Ukraine
See the Facebook event for details in Ukrainian.
Kigali, Rwanda
Venue Down the US Embassy Kigali, toward Rwanda National Police Headquarters, Kacyiru.
Belgrade, Serbia
More information here.
Budapest, Hungary
Június 21-én számos nagyvárosban, így a budapesti Toldi Moziban is egyszerre mutatják be skót alkotók filmjét, amely egy MND-ben szenvedő fiatal apa utolsó hónapjait dolgozza fel. Az MND a motoros neuronoknak, vagyis a mozgást vezérlő idegsejteknek a tönkremenése, amely fokozatosan leépíti, és végül leállítja a testmozgást, beszédet, nyelést, és légzést.