I AM BREATHING - the documentary now screening at film festivals worldwide - will be showing in Canandaigua June 21st. I AM BREATHING, a film about my sister's dear friend Louise and her husband's journey with ALS/MND (Lou Gehrig's Disease).
"Neil Platt ponders the last months of his life. Within a year, he goes from being a healthy young father to becoming completely paralysed from the neck down. As his body gets weaker, his perspective on life changes:
'It's amazing how adaptable we are when we have to be.
It's what separates us and defines us as human beings.' "
Please join me on Friday, June 21st at the Wood Library at 6:30pm to view this amazing, empowering, and deeply moving documentary. All donations will go directly toward research for ALS/MND.
I hope to see you there.