Documentary Edge New Zealand Trust is organizing the Global Screening Day in Auckland, New Zealand. The screening of I AM BREATHING will be hosted at the Auckland Art Gallery. Join us to be part of this worldwide event and show your support.
The Documentary Edge Team
June 29, 2013 at 2:00pm - 3:30pm
Auckland Art Gallery
Corner Kitchener and Wellesley Streets
Auckland 2022
New Zealand
Google map and directions
Corner Kitchener and Wellesley Streets
Auckland 2022
New Zealand
Google map and directions
Anais Aguilera
· +64 9 360 0329
Kiran Patel rsvped
2013-06-27 05:06:28 +0100
Anais Aguilera rsvped
2013-06-25 05:02:48 +0100
Kathryn Calvert rsvped +2
2013-06-24 23:47:36 +0100
Anais Aguilera is hosting.
2013-06-17 06:13:17 +0100