The D-Word partners with I AM BREATHING for collaborative distribution

The D-Word, a worldwide online community of documentary professionals, has come on board as a partner for worldwide screenings of I AM BREATHING on 21 June. 


In a unique collaborative distribution project, members of The D-Word are working with the team behind I AM BREATHING to organise events in more than 50 different places. This boost comes in addition to countless screenings already being planned by supporters of the film and MND/ALS groups for a Global Screening Day.

The D-WordFounded in 1999, The D-Word is home to more than 10,000 members in some 120 countries. Driven by a spirit of camaraderie, it has become the leading online community to discuss all aspects of documentary filmmaking.

Doug Block, founder and co-host of The D-Word, said: 

"We've decided to take this on as an official D-Word collaborative project as it's our first to focus on distribution and outreach rather than production. Apart from supporting a very worthy film, we think there's an exciting learning opportunity here for The D-Word's membership. In this spirit of experimentation and group support, we invite everyone to leap in, help set up and host screenings, and toss around any and all ideas that might increase awareness for the project and for this important cause."

Professional members of The D-Word are invited to participate in this project and learn from it through a private discussion on their website. 

The Global Screening Day is an initiative by the Scottish Documentary Institute together with the MND Association in England.

Can you set up an event on our Global Screening Day, however big or small it may be?

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